In case you provide us with any personal data on the website, we will respect your privacy. Our data protection policy is as follows: We always inform users exactly how we will use the data they enter into various forms on the website. However, these data are never accessible to third parties. We never rent out or sell data about our users, nor do we allow any third party to use them.
By providing or filling in the required personal and other data, I declare that I am aware of and consent to and expressly authorize and empower the company, AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenia to collect and process my personal and other data that I have entered in the input form (hereinafter: data), for the purposes of direct marketing of the company's services and products (for example, informing about novelties of services and products marketed, inquiries, preparation of offers or responses and establishing contact or communication, whereby the company may use various communication channels - telephone, regular mail, electronic mail). The company collects and processes the obtained personal data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and applicable legislation governing the protection of personal data. I am aware that I can unsubscribe from receiving all marketing e-mails intended for direct marketing of services (hereinafter: marketing e-mails) of the company at any time by sending a written statement to the company at the e-mail address or to the address AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenia. I am aware that the company will cease using my personal data for the purpose of direct marketing upon my unsubscribe. I am aware that by unsubscribing from marketing e-mails, I also automatically unsubscribe from receiving all notifications to which I may be subscribed. I am aware that the company will cease using my personal data for the purpose of direct marketing upon my unsubscribe, and I may at any time in writing request the company to permanently or temporarily cease using my personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. I declare that I am aware of and consent to the fact that my personal data provided is managed and processed or used by AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenia in its personal data base for direct marketing. I declare that I am aware that I provide this personal data voluntarily and without consequences if I refuse. The individual whose data is processed by the controller is provided with all rights in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and applicable legislation in the field of personal data protection. You can send your request regarding your personal data processed to our email address or to the address AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenia: ali na naslov AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenija. Seznanjen/a sem, da bo družba z mojo odjavo prenehala uporabljati moje osebne podatke za namen neposrednega trženja. Seznanjen/a sem, da se z odjavo od tržnih e-sporočil samodejno odjavim tudi od prejemanja vseh obvestil, na katera sem morebiti prijavljen/a. Seznanjen/a sem, da družba z mojo odjavo od tržnih e-sporočil preneha uporabljati moje osebne podatke za namen neposrednega trženja, od družbe pa lahko kadarkoli pisno zahtevam, da trajno ali začasno preneha uporabljati moje osebne podatke za namen neposrednega trženja. Izjavljam, da sem seznanjen/a in soglašam s tem, da moje navedene osebne podatke upravlja in obdeluje oziroma uporablja AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenija v svoji bazi osebnih podatkov za neposredno trženje. Izjavljam, da sem seznanjen/a z dejstvom, da dajem te svoje osebne podatke prostovoljno in brez posledic, če odklonim. Upravljalec posameznikom, katerih podatke obdeluje zagotavlja vse pravice v skladu z GDPR (Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov) ter veljavno zakonodajo na področju varstva osebnih podatkom. Na e-naslov ali na naslov AMK Servis d.o.o., Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenija lahko v zvezi z vašimi osebnimi podatki, ki jih obdelujemo pošljete svojo zahtevo:
- To obtain confirmation whether we process personal data concerning you
- For access to personal data concerning you
- To obtain information: About the purpose of processing, about the type of relevant personal data, about users and categories of users to whom personal data are disclosed, and about the retention period of personal data
- For correction of personal data concerning you
- For deletion of personal data concerning you
- For limitation of our processing/use of personal data concerning you
- To object to the processing/use of personal data concerning you
- To withdraw your consent to the use/processing of one or more personal data concerning you
We will fulfill your request as soon as possible, but no later than within 1 month.
Regarding our processing of personal data concerning you, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner.