All tail lift brands are also serviced in the field or by phone

Nudimo servis vseh vrst nakladalnih ploščadi in hidravličnih dvigal vseh blagovnih znamk. Servis izvajamo na naši lokaciji v Dragomerju med Ljubljano in Vrhniko. V primeru nujne hitre pomoči vozniku na cesti lahko manjše napake z njegovim sodelovanjem odpravimo tudi po telefonu. Pokličite nas na 041 425 087 ali izpolnite obrazec in takoj vam bomo pomagali.

servis nakladalnih ploščadi
Redni letni servis hidravličnih nakladalnih ramp

Regular annual service of tail lifts

We recommend regular service once a year for optimal performance and long service life. Regular service is also required for repairs to be made within the warranty period. This means that when you purchase a new Dhollandia hydraulic loading platform, you will receive one year of warranty service, and if you perform service within the first year, you will receive an additional year of warranty service. 


Servisa vozil brez pomoči diagnostike oziroma testerjev si ne znamo več predstavljati. Vsak nepredviden zastoj vozila stane, zato je cilj čim večja razpoložljivost.

At AMK service, we are qualified to service loading platforms with software tools - diagnostics. We provide you with optimal parameterization and fast and accurate diagnosis if service is required.
Zagotavljamo vam optimalno parametrizacijo ter hitro in natančno diagnozo v kolikor je potreben servis.

And your van will be back in business in in the shortest possible time!

Diagnostika nakladalne ploščadi Bar, Bar tail lift diagnostics
Rezervni deli

Spare parts

We keep a large stock of spare parts on hand, so we can fix most problems quickly. If a spare part for your loading platform is not in stock, we order it right away and notify you when your vehicle can be serviced.

Repairs through insurance company

We will prepare an offer and all relevant documentation when resolving a claim with any insurance company.



Telephone number: 01 3655 419 / 051 402 569
E-mail: info@amkservis.si
Address: Vrhniška cesta 25A, 1351 Brezovica

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